Q&A With Sean Forman - Donor Stories


Sean Forman first came across Kensington Soccer Club after reading an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer a few years ago and has since become a frequent donor, helping the Club support accessible soccer to youth in the Kensington neighborhoods.

As president of Sports Reference, LLC, his company not only focuses on providing reliable statistical sports data but also supports other organizations with goals that align his company: to increase a love of sports.

We sat down with Forman for a Q&A on what stands out to him about KSC and why he chooses to support our work.

Q: Why did you choose to support Kensington Soccer Club?

A: I often work for programs supporting youth sports in Philly, so reading and learning about [Kensington Soccer Club] seemed like an effort that would be well aligned with the charities I support.

Q: What about Kensington Soccer Club stood out to you?

A: I knew there was a lot of need in the area and [Kensington Soccer Club] was spending a lot of time not just on the soccer field, but also outside of the field. There is a significant immigrant community in the area and soccer is very important to them. People who’ve moved to the U.S. have made a tremendous risk in their lives and deserve to be supported, so that was something [Sports Reference] wanted to support.”

Q: Are you big into soccer yourself?

A: I’ve gotten into soccer significantly over the last ten years, along with a number of other different things.

Q: How does it feel personally when you make a donation to the Club?

I’m honored to be a part of this and it makes me feel good that some of the money that we make goes towards supporting this Club and I hope we can continue to do so in the future.

Q: What would you say to people considering making a donation to Kensington Soccer Club?

Learn more about the program. Sports are a really good way to reach people and for kids who don’t have the opportunities, this is something that can build upon itself and perpetuate things into the future, build communities and give these kids structure to get ahead. It’s always money well spent.