Educational Resources

Staying true to the educators who helped found and develop KSC, we promote academic excellence throughout our programs. We are also able to help support our athletes’ educational needs with the help of some of our local partnerships.

Technical Resources

McPherson Square Library

Internet & Tablet Lending: Free lending of WiFi hotspots and tablets. To be eligible, you must: Be over 18 Philadelphia resident Lack of access to broadband internet or computers at home EBB program participants qualify for tablet only.

Online Educational Resources

Youth Serving Programs Database

Beyond our partnerships, there are a variety of organizations with “Youth-Serving Programs”. Compiled by a KSC parent, this database helps families navigate other opportunities for enrichment and personal development.


Intervention + PRevention Program Coordinator

Brianna Banks


Helpful Links

Soccer Athletes Value Education (SAVE)

Our SAVE program provides books and educational enrichment opportunities for all of our soccer programs. Learn more about the books we are distributing through the community!