KSC Prep
As a part of our Gun and Violence Prevention Initiative, KSC Prep offers afterschool enrichment to High School-aged youth in the Kensington Area. Teens in our KSC PRep program learn skill development while also having the opportunity to enjoy soccer activities.
Registration INformation
Our KSC Prep program will resume in Fall 2023. Stay tuned for more information on this program.
Upcoming Events
Learn about some of our past events while we await news on our upcoming events.
Career Expo
Izlas Open Mic Night Fundraiser: An event to raise money for college scholarships for our teens.
Latest News
Temple SPH Feature: Former Deputy Director Gives Temple a Tour of her Work at Kensington Soccer Club and The KSC Prep Program (Watch)
This is a new program, but we welcome any media inquiries. Email Communications@KensingtonSoccer.Org to learn more.
Brianna Banks
Intervention & Prevention
For questions about our Initiatives: Brianna@KensingtonSoccer.Org
Jakeema Burton
Teen & Adult Programs
For questions about FNL: Jakeema@KensingtonSoccer.Org
This program is funded by The District Attorney Larry Krasner’s Violence Prevention Grant. Learn more about how to support our work by subscribing to our newsletter and following us online.