ABOUT: Our Adult Teams provide competitive opportunities for athletes ages 16+! We compete in Women’s and Men’s semi-professional leagues. Some of our athletes have participated in Kensington Soccer youth programs, and others are adults in the city interested in joining a supportive, and talented team. Learn more about how to join and/or support our teams here.


Please stay tuned for information on registration links for the next season.

In the interim, feel free to email Jakeema Burton to learn more about the Adult Competitive programs.

Our Adult Women’s Team competes year-round offering women and non-binary people ages 18+ opportunities to enjoy the competitive sport.

Our Adult Men’s Team is split into three teams that compete in different leagues and tournaments during the Fall, Spring, and Summer seasons.




Learn more about how to support our Adult Teams by viewing their schedules on our events page.


Follow us on Instagram: @kensingtonsoccerclub for information and live coverage!

Interested in sponsoring an event, a team or an athlete? Feel free to contact our coaching staff.