Community Outreach and Civic Engagement
We believe in contributing to our community in every way possible. When people come together in grassroots organizations, we want to be there to pitch in and to share information about our programs so that everyone knows how to get involved in what we're doing. Our President, Jim Hardy, and other KSC organizers have represented us since 2009 at meetings and events of more than twenty community organizations listed below. Now we need a bigger outreach team to make sure we keep reaching every part of the community consistently so click here to join our Community Outreach Team!
East Kensington Neighbors Association
EKNA Education & Youth Programming Team
Somerset Neighbors for Better Living
South Kensington Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Kensington EPIC Stakeholders (group no longer active)
El Barrio es Nuestro / The Neighborhood is Ours
Fishtown Neighbors Association
Towey Recreation Center Advisory Council
Cruz Family and Friends
HACE NAC (Neighborhood Advisory Committee)
Friends of Norris Square Park
Harrowgate Civic Association meeting regarding improvements at Heitzman Recreation Center. Pictured L to R: KSC coaches Jakeema Burton, Carlos Acosta, and Geoffrey Rojas, Councilman Mark Squilla, KSC President Jim Hardy, and HCA officers Jim Ridgway and Shannon Farrell-Pakstis.