Barbyose Noisette (She/Her/Hers)


Photographer: Jamie Giambrone


Executive program director

Office Hours: Mondays & Fridays (11 AM - 3 PM) By appointment

I have been passionate about KSC since I learned about their mission and wanted to contribute to their incredible work in the community.
— Barbyose Noisette

Barbyose Noisette joined the staff in October 2022, after a multifaceted career in Education, Therapy and Program Management. During her first few months at KSC she was essential to the development of programs for teens including but not limited to KSC Prep, Friday Night Lights, and our Teen Travel leagues. More broadly she applied her strong repertoire in youth services to improve our soccer and enrichment programs for all.

As Executive Program Director, Barbyose oversees our talented cadre of program staff while largely contributing to the strategic development of the organization. Barbyose is also involved in communications, development, and our volunteer initiatives.

Beyond her enthusiastic approach to improving the quality of our athletic and enrichment programs, Barbyose works with our Intervention and Prevention Coordinator and other community partners to provide health resources to the people who attend our programs. Overall Barbyose’s contributions have ensured that our programs are a vehicle to address some of the mental health and other needs of our community.

August 2023: Voices


Follow us on Instagram: @kensingtonsoccerclub to learn more about our programs.


Reach out to Barbyose for questions and additional information about program partnerships and our strategic plan.